Picture yourself in the sumptuous gardens of Versailles. Water flows from the fountains, courtiers whisper behind their fans, and suddenly, the first notes of a minuet rise in the air...

Born in the French countryside, this dance quickly conquered European royal courts. Its moderate, graceful, and noble movement, divided into three beats with a rest on the fourth, embodies refinement. Dancers evolve with grace and measured steps. The term "minuet," a diminutive of the French word "menu," actually means "small."

To a Hit Song by Rapper Orelsan

This dance was one of the favorites of Louis XIV, the Sun King, who reigned longer than any other monarch from 1643 to 1715. Could it be thanks to his love of dance?! Whatever the case, to celebrate Bastille Day, Alliance Française de Berkeley members learned to dance the minuet with Board President Danielle Schanz as their teacher and guide. Instead of a classical symphony, they danced to a rap song by Orelsan, "Basique," released 300 years after the death of the Sun King. A very modern version of this traditional dance!

Sneak peek here!

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