Unknown Painter XVIIIth Century (Wikipedia) -Storming of the Bastille

Bastille Day, called "le Quatorze Juillet" or "la Fête Nationale" in France, is the national French holiday and is celebrated on July 14th. It marks the revolutionaries' storming of the Bastille fortress prison in 1789. This building symbolized the tyranny of the Bourbon monarchy, and its fall was a victory for the people’s uprising against oppression. This date marks the birth of a new political era: the beginning of the French Revolution and the end of absolute monarchy. Since then, the core values of the French Republic have been equality and fraternity.

Today, Bastille Day is celebrated with great fervor throughout France. The day begins with the oldest and largest military parade in Europe, held on the Champs-Élysées in Paris. French and foreign troops march down the avenue while the President of France oversees the parade, which includes flyovers by the Patrouille de France, the French Air Force’s aerobatic team, leaving trails of blue, white, and red smoke, the colors of the French flag.

Fireworks, balls, concerts...

Bastille Day is not just about the parade. It's a day of diverse celebrations across France. Towns and cities host various events, from fireworks and concerts to Museums free entrances and public dances such as 'bals des pompiers' (firefighters' balls), very popular balls hosted by firemen. With their unique local flavors, these festivities foster a sense of community and national pride, making Bastille Day a truly inclusive celebration of French culture.

For members of the Alliance Française, Bastille Day holds a special place. It's not just a national holiday but a celebration of French history, culture, and traditions. It's a day to honor the values that France upholds and to immerse in the spirit of liberté, égalité, fraternité. Whether attending a local event or observing the festivities from a distance, Bastille Day is a moment to participate in the joy and unity that this national holiday brings and a reminder of the enduring spirit of France.

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